We have updated HadEX to version 3.0.4.
We were alerted to an error in the calculation of the GSL index in the Climpact2 code for stations in the Southern Hemisphere. This has been corrected as of their version 1.3.0. We have re-run the HadEX3 code for this index, and uploaded the new data files. Although we have updated the metadata (version number) in all files, the data changes are for GSL only.
The updated calculation only affects the Southern Hemisphere stations. A number of our data sources for this hemisphere were of daily data and so we were able to recalculate these as part of the HadEX3 build. For other data sources which were precalculated indices, most did not use Climpact2 to calculate GSL. The only ones which did were stations in Indonesia calculated using Climpact2 during a workshop in Singapore held in 2019. Only a handful of stations could contribute to the gridded data over this region, so we have just withheld these few stations when createing the HadEX3 grids for this update.
Figure 1 - trends in GSL for HadEXv3.0.4 |
Meteorological Service Singapore (2019). Second workshop on ASEAN Regional Climate Data, Analysis and Projections (ARCDAP-2): Workshop report. Retrieved from https://public.wmo.int/en/events/workshops/second-workshop-asean-regional-climate-data-analysis-and-projections-arcdap%E2%80%932