Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Filling in the Globe

Just a quick update this time.  Work has gently been going on behind the scenes to include more data and continue to fill in the globe.  Thank you to the many folks who have spent time to process the data they have kindly sent over for inclusion in this project.  We now have data from China, India, Myanmar, Brunei and Malaysia, with more on the way from some other countries.  For some indices this has really reduced the regions for which we do not have coverage, though of course this depends on the interpolation our gridding routine can perform.

To give an idea of where we are at, below are the same plots from the end of last month, but with the current coverage. These are all for the 2.5 x 3.75 degree gridding options using 1961-90 as the reference period (where appropriate). We have also made trial versions using smaller grid boxes (1.25 x 1.875 deg), a simpler (non-interpolating) gridding method, and also using 1981-2010 as a reference period, which allows the inclusion of some pre-calculated indices from some of our contributors.

Fig 1 - stations for CDD annual
Fig 2 - stations for CDD monthly
Fig 3 - stations for TNn annual
Fig 4 - stations for TNn monthly

And of course, the trends are here (and yes, we've not yet looked at the colour maps for monthly CDD!):
Fig 5 - linear trends for CDD, Annual
Fig 6 - linear trends for CDD, January
Figure 7 - linear trends for CDD, July
Figure 8 - linear trends for TNn, Annual
Figure 9 - linear trends for TNn, January
Figure 10 - linear trends for TNn, July

As you can see, in some cases we have more complete spatial coverage for the annual indices, rather than in individual months, which tends to arise when we have not been given the monthly index values.

We're still working on including more data from new sources and also check that the station selection criteria are sensible - to see if we can improve the underlying station coverage where possible.

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